Talan Racing - a unique motorcycle race team whose riders are disabled but compete in able-bodied racing

The season is proving to be one of change. Both riders have changed bikes and one has also changed the classs in which they race.
Andy has opted for a new BMW S1000RR to compete in the Powerbikes. Talan has gone to a Suzuki GSXR750 K3 and will compete in Thunderbike Extreme.
The team are looking for support and sponsorship to enable them to keep racing and keep inspiring others. Please contact Talan is you would like to get involved or know someone that can help.

Talan Racing Team
Talan Racing Team
Talan Racing Team is made up of two disabled motorcyclists, both paraplegics, with each rider being injured and disabled as a direct result of a motorcycle accident. Through considerable efforts, they have overcome the mental barriers to race the very machine that caused the life changing injuries they sustained.
You have the power to achieve
Each racer knows that the power to achieve lies inside everyone. Whilst life can throw all sorts of challenges at you, there is a resilience inside every person which can enable them to overcome even the highest of mountains. Trust in yourself and make the choice to move forwards every day.